(n.) the moment you realize that you’re currently happy—consciously trying to savor the feeling—which prompts your intellect to identify it, pick it apart and put it in context, where it will slowly dissolve until it’s little more than an aftertaste.

❦ . ) 
NAMEKaira Edite Al-Aswad
ARABICكايرا اديت الأسود
NICKNAME(s)Kai, Kay, Ira, Kaira
ALIAS(es)Spring Maiden, The Princess's Apprentice.
BIRTHDAYFebruary 14th
AGEFifteen (15)
AFFILIATION??? (former)
⠀⠀Eastern Base, Fermuth Kingdom (former)
⠀⠀Stullorene Kingdom (current)
HEIGHT156 cm / 5 feet 2 inches
WEIGHT49 kg / 108 lbs
VisualizationMutou Hana
Character VoiceKonomi Kohara (see Kasumi Nomura)
⠀⠀Kath Soucie (see Lola Bunny)
STATUSAlive and loving Yoda

She is an obedient one.

I kid you not and I saw it.
How was she listens tentatively,
how was she done the deed as exact as the word.

No matter how, no matter what.
All she wants to embrace is merely kindness. Compassionate. Sensible.

She sucks those traits like she depend on it; she pleads, begs, have mercy on this rotten, unwanted child that shouldn't have breathe in first place.

But of course, those begs are covers with a few facetious, much sun, like how flowers are bloom to mark the beginning.

Every family has a secret untold.

She is not the exception.
Even so with desert become her homeland.

Born odd, all never spot.
What is parents again, she asks me, once.
All that she ever recognized is her mother
and dearest older brother.

They were happy, much so.
But she was a shut. Not to all, but to mother.

She shut, shut, shut; even when her brother parted ways, even when she walks on a path that led to her mother's plea to a certain madness.

Shameless! How shameless.
Bleed with the devil, she said?

"My mother's in love with two fathers,
but I don't see it in that way."

She was blessed by nature.

Sickening blessed, how is she rather die
than carry this unwanted genealogy.

She spats, she cursed.
But, she admits to me if this blessing is beautiful.

❦. Nature calls and talks to her like an old fellow, even to let herself adapt; their feeling is mutual, after all.

❦. Some pieces of nature is bestowed to her; to breathe and surrounds with plants and fungus, but plants are her forte, you see. Just don't let one cross the line of emotions that fill with her since it backfires, hard.

❦. How long will it became prominent of plant that she could able to restore living and non-living with it. Or, to heal, for an easier term to her simplistic mind.

❦. At last, her peak prominent potential of nature is lied with the season of unknown in desert. The rebirth, renewal, and growth season: spring.

She grips along the walk.

Of the two kingdom who supposed to be one,
she finally found herself.

A frenzy journey, she mentioned.

With the broken ties of her older brother,
plenty friends to spot on,
all of the useless wars,

and ... there is a silver lad
in which she finds the company to be quite appealing.
In the neighboring kingdom, of course.

However, the path that she chose shall be cross.
Until she met another home,
of two birds that lingers.

Redhead and pinkette, friendly aporach.
Heh, what a new world to her.

She still lingers, still walks.
Sometimes to adore the sky,
sometimes to ease herself over this love phobia,

or dance,
or making potions,
or ... who knows, perhaps just stroll with her beloved duck.

Umber, dark yellow-brown skin.
Raven hair, bluebell eyes.
And white dress.
Don't ever forget, yes?